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How-to-Tuesday: How to Write your Blog Posts

Published Lynne on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 8:00 AM

How-to-Tuesday: How to Write your Blog Posts

Following last week’s blog on how to get ready for your first blog, we’re now here to give you some suggestions on how to write better. Writing for your audience is essential when setting up your blog because ultimately this will help you be found more easily in search results, increase traffic to your website and increase your social media followers. So here’s a quick rundown on how to write a better blog post:

Learn about your Subject

When writing your first blog it’s best for the subject to be something that you are knowledgeable and passionate about. Keep in mind that your blog hasn’t reached a level of credibility yet, but if you go for topics that you are sure of, you will show them that you are a leader in your field and know what you are talking about. This helps increase trust not just with your audience but also with the all-mighty Google search results!

Go for Low-Volume, Long-Tail Keywords

We suggest you go for low-volume, long-tail keywords. By doing so, you can rank higher in search results for those specific keywords that do, in fact, target a specific audience like yours. There are many tools online that can help you identify low volume keyword alternatives; start off with a topic of your choice, then see which alternatives there are with a low-volume.

Get Audience Intel

Keyword research is a great way to understand this. If you don’t have a tool to generate keywords, you can start by asking yourself which question(s) does my blog answer? What would my audience be asking before they land on this blog? Whatever your answer is, search it on Google and see what comes up. Always look at the People also ask section which can give you more ideas on how to write in your blog.

Come up with an Interesting Title

You know your subject and the topics you will address, so now it's time for the title. This does not have to be set in stone. In fact, more often than not it will probably be tweaked by the time you are done with your blog post. However, it still needs to be specific and shouldn’t mislead your audience!

Your background work is now done. Once you research the keywords, know the intent of your audience and have a title, you’re ready to start writing. Remember that blogs don’t always have to be extremely long. Write what you need to write, get to the point and use a tone that’s friendly and easy to relate to. Your end goal is to get people to read your blog and increase traffic to your website, and nothing can get you there faster. Good luck on getting your first blog post out there… Let us know if we can help you get started!


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